In my 33+ years teaching middle grades and middle school math, I've learned a thing or two about how to focus on teaching and not spend time dealing with poor behaviors. Yes! It can be done! You have to devote time early in the year connecting and getting to know each and every student. Take the time to teach students how to treat each other, how to treat you, and the classroom materials. If you don't do this right, you will likely struggle all year managing poor behaviors and that is not good for students or you! If you teach them what good character looks and sounds like, your students will show mutual respect for you and each other. Sound good? It can be done.
Blast from the past! One thing I do is post the key vocabulary words that help me teach good character where it's in student's view. I usually focus on 18-20 traits for my wall display. Note: I post the posters alphabetically so I can do some indirect teaching of alphabetizing, too. Here are some old photos from my classroom character traits wall. It's where it all began.
My new set of character traits posters is so much nicer. The
new set of character trait posters that I just posted today to TpT has 169 traits and is a growing set. The set also includes several bulletin board titles. It's also in PDF format for easy printing.
Some years our school chose to use a monthly character education focus. No problem, I can do that but I'm also going to focus on it daily without directly teaching! When students are showing good character, I point to the poster displayed on the wall and make simple comment about the trait. Sometimes I'd say this quietly to the child and sometimes I'd say it out loud, depending on if it was something the class was working on.
I also run a
Special Student of the Week program where each child gets to the be "Star" for the week. My motivation is simple with this amazing program. You can read more about in on this blog post.
#1: That way I don't have to change a job chart every week! I have the special person do EVERYTHING that needs doing all week long. It's awesome!
#2: On the last school day, the special person gets interviewed by classmates. Then, classmates focus on character traits and write (at least) two compliment sentences. Students scan the wall looking for words that describe the person and give examples of how the student shows that trait.
#3: Everyone likes to be recognized and noticed as important. The combination of focusing on great character and strengths of the student make it a win-win.
Another program I use and can't do without is the
Wise Owl Student of the Month program. I created this program to also focus on character traits. The Wise Owl program was my dad's idea. He's got great ideas! (See his
Scottish Heritage website here). In Scotland as a young boy, my dad was recognized in school as the Wise Owl Student of the Month and it made a big difference for him. He bought a beautiful wooden owl hand carved in Mexico and brought it home and it became my first owl. The wise owl award I gave out focused on 12 character traits. This program changed behavior like no other I've used. Students wanted to earn this award and worked so hard to have the recognition.

The Wise Owl Trophy by Mrs. Renz Class |
What do you do that helps build good character? Leave a comment to share what works with other teachers. Thank you!