If you've never heard of Mastery Club, you're missing out! I developed this program when I began my teaching career to challenge my 4th, 5th, and 6th graders to learn something new. I never wanted to hear, "I'm bored," so I developed Mastery Club. I also taught blended classes, which gave an even greater challenge, trying to find independent activities that allowed me to work on grade level content. If you've taught a blend, you know what I'm talking about!
Students self-direct their learning, choosing which challenges they'd like to master. When they're ready, they get the recording worksheet and take the challenge test and if they earn 100%, they become a "1-Star Member." When a student has earned 16 challenges, he or she becomes a member of the Mastery Club Hall of Fame. At the end of the year, I add the new names to the Hall of Fame wall. I've had students come back to visit and check out the Hall of Fame poster to see where they rank now! Love it!
This program is super simple to set up and it runs all year. Mastery Club is one of the best things I have created and teachers, students and parents love it! You can see Mastery Club on my classroom website.
Here's a link to my TpT Mastery Club page where you can see visuals and more details about this great challenge program.
Here's a few photos of the updates! Lots of new materials added to make this program even better.
Teachers who use Mastery Club are allowed to change the name to fit their needs and thousands of teachers are making a difference with their students with Mastery Club.
Here's a link to check out the FREE Mastery Club questions! Enjoy!